荣 誉 SDA 2023 Gold Award 金奖
类 型 视觉传达
设计师 深圳市有料设计有限公司 Shenzhen LiaoDesign Co.,Ltd
This project was designed for the celebration of GDC Award 30 Years. Founded in 1992, GDC Award has become a top design award among Chinese designers in 30 years. The logo consists the award name, “GDC”, and its projection shadow in a shape of “30”. In Chinese context, the Chinese character “Ying” has dual meanings, one is “shadow”, another is “influence”. Therefore, the logo’s elements not only highlights the extraordinary journey of GDC Award in the past 30 years, also echoes the slogan of GDC Award “Design for China’s Future”. The main image of the project was delivered by still object photography, a unique language that expressed the creation of “Ying” in a richer and more vivid way, and presented a classic style. Meanwhile, we explored different interpretations of the logo in varied materials and forms by designing exhibition installations, badges, ceramic mugs, invitation letters and other materials. We also curated a special unit activity of “30 Years, 30 Designers, 30 Letters". It invited 30 designers who are closely associated with GDC Award and distributed customized materials to them. Each invited guest shall hand write a letter telling his or her story with GDC Award.
这是为GDC设计奖三十年活动做的设计。GDC设计奖创办自1992年,经三十年赓续前行,已经成为全球华人最顶尖设计奖项。 我们将奖项名称“GDC”巧妙地投射出影子“30”,来作为活动logo,“影”在中国的语境中有影响的意思,彰显GDC设计奖三十年不平凡的历程,与“影响中国未来的设计”赛事主旨形成呼应。 在主形象设计上,我们采用实物拍摄的方式,将logo中关于“影”的创意,运用独特的摄影语言做了一次更加丰富与生动的表达,使其呈现出强烈的经典气质。 同时我们还探索了logo在不同材质与形态上的演绎,创造性地设计出了展览装置、徽章、陶瓷杯、邀请函等物料。 我们还策划了《三十年、三十人、三十封信》特别单元活动,邀请30位与GDC设计奖息息相关的人士,向他们寄送主题定制物料,每人撰写一封亲笔信,讲述他们与GDC设计奖的故事。