SV300 ventilator

SV300 ventilator

荣    誉 SDA Special Edition - Grand Award

类    型 Industrial & Product | Medicine & Health

设计师 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. Industrial Design Center (Designers: He Lijuan,Chai Haibo, Chen Yu, Cheng Chen, Zhou Xiang)

The SV300 ventilator has been recently nicknamed a "anti-pandemic relic" due to its versatility and functions in the combat against COVID-19. During the pandemic, hospital and clinical personnel are face with various challenges such as the need for transporting mass amount patients for therapies, insufficient gas supply due to limited hospital resources, dealing different severity of COVID-19 patient, and infection-control within the hospital. The SV300 is "All-in-one" ventilator, providing sequential therapies to treat mild, moderate, and severe COVID-19 patients with High-Flow Oxygen Therapy, Non-invasive Ventilation, to Invasive Mechanical Ventilation. This saves value hospital resources by reducing to the need of constantly change between ventilators and ventilator circuits; thus also reducing chance of cross-infection from disconnections. Compared with convention bulky ventilators, the SV300’s industrial light and compact design allows seamless intra-hospital transport with comprehensive ventilation modes to meet complex respiratory support and clinical needs. From the iconic ICUs of Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals, temporarily renovated isolation wards without sufficient gas source to specialized hospital. With safety in mind, the ventilator’s circuits equipped with bacterial-viral filters to prevent contagious bacterial and virus from reaching the patient and the atmosphere; protecting our patients and frontline workers. The SV300 flawlessly meets these clinical needs and challenges of during pandemic, with renowned popularity and feedback from users in its huge role in saving patients with COVID-19 worldwide.



Mindray is a world’s leading and one of China’s largest developers, manufacturers, and suppliers of medical devices. Products mainly include three core businesses: Patient Monitoring and Life Support, Medical Imaging, and In-Vitro Diagnostics. Through cutting-edge technological innovation, we provide more complete product solutions to help the world improve medical conditions and improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment.
Mindray Industrial Design Center has been growing with Mindray for 25 years, and was assessed as provincial industrial design center. There are 6 design groups and more than 50 designers, with professional competences such as user research, experience design, industrial design, interaction design, visual design, CMF design, etc. 
Zhou Xiang, the director of the design center, is the first person in the medical device industry, the development promoter of the medical design industry, and the winner of the contribution award of the 2020 GRAGON Design Award. Mindray Industrial Design Center serves 3 core businesses and more than 260 products, and output 7~12 new products every year. We have won more than 30 well-known design awards at home and abroad such as IF, Reddot, IDEA, and Guangdong Governor Cup Industrial Design Competition.